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Scientific Notations of Real Numbers and Logarithms

Express Large Numbers in Standard Form and Vice-versa

Let us suppose we are given 3 numbers: 2, 3 and 9.

Now, we know that 32 = 9

Also, 9=3

The above two expressions are formed by combining 2 and 3, and 2 and 9 respectively to get the third number.

Is there an expression wherein we can combine 3 and 9 to get 2?

3 and 9 can be combined to get 2 as:

Here, ‘log’ is the abbreviated form of a concept called ‘Logarithms’.

The expression can be read as ‘logarithm of 9 to the base 3 is equal to 2’.

In general, if a is any positive real number (except 1), n is any rational number such that , then n is called the logarithm of b to the base a, and is written as.

Thus, if and only if .

is called the exponential form and is called the logarithmic form.

The following are the properties of logarithms.

1. Since a is any positive real number (except 1), an is always a positive real number for every rational number n, i.e., b is always a positive real number.

Thus, logarithms are only defined for positive real numbers.

2. Since

Thus, and

where, a is any positive real number except 1

3. If

Then, and

x = y


x = y

4. Logarithms to the base 10 are called common logarithms.

5. If no base is given, the base is always taken as 10.

For example, log 5 = log10 5

Logarithms to the base e, where e is an irrational number lying between 2 and 3 are called natural logarithms. The approximate value of e correct up to 1 decimal place is 2.7 and is given by e = 1 +11!+12!+13!+14!+..... 
Natural logarithm of 5 can be written as:
loge5 =  ln 5 

Let us consider the following example.

Convert the following into logarithmic form.

(i) 53 = 125


There are three standard laws of logarithms.

(i) Product Law

In general,

(ii) Quotient Law

(iii) Power Law

On the basis of the above laws, we have

For a and b two positive numbers, logba=1logab.
logba ×logab=1

Also, we know that, log of a number at the same base is 1 i.e logaa=1.

Example 1:

Solve for x.

(i) log7 343 = 5x − 4

(ii) logx 216 = 3




Example 2:

If   what is x?



Example: 3

Solve for x.

(i) log137 ×log713=x



We know that,
For a and b two positive numbers, logba=1logab.
logba ×logab=1


log137 ×log713=x=1x=1

We know that, log of a number at the same base is 1 i.e logaa=1.


Common Logarithms

We know:

101 = 10 and 102 = 100

∴ log10 10 = 1 and log10 100 = 2  i.e.  log10 10p = p           .....(1)

Also, for 1 < N < 10, 0 < log10 N < 1.                                 .....(2)

Characteristic of Logarithm


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