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    adaptation of aquatic plants. (6 points)

    Following are the adaptations of aquatic plants:

    • Aquatic plants have their roots fixed in soil, deep below the surface of water. 
    • Unlike land plants, their roots are small.
    • The stems of aquatic plants are long, hollow, and light. Their stem grows up to the surface of water, with leaves and flowers floating around it.
    • Some aquatic plants are completely submerged in water. They have narrow ribbon-like leaves, which can easily bend with flowing water.
    • In some submerged plants, leaves are divided, which allows water to flow past them easily without causing any damage to them.


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    Aquatic plants  are plants that have adapted to living in aquatic environments (saltwater or freshwater). They are also referred to as  hydrophytes  or  macrophytes . These plants require special adaptations for living submerged in  water , or at the water's surface - the most common adaptation is  aerenchyma , but floating leaves and finely dissected leaves are also common

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