1.) describe the social statification of tribal societies as a consequence of colonialisation?

2.)mention the cultural history power structure of tribals in the colonial period.

3.)what were the reasons for the expansion of the cultivation in the colonial period?

4.)why shifting agriculture was stopped?what was the impact on local communities?

5.)discuss the role of railways in the decline of forest cover in indian sub-continent between 1880 and 1920?

6.)explain the role of railways in the decline of forest cover in the indian sub-continent between 18801920

7.)discuss the role ofship building in declin of forest cover in the indian sub-continent?

8.)explain the role of commercial farming in the decline of forest cover in indian sub-continent 18801920?

9.)explain the role of adivasis other peasant users in decline of forest cover in the indian sub-continent between 18801920?

10.)why are forest affected by wars in india?

11.)explain the relationship between forest tribes forests

12.)what changes occured in the forest societies under colonialism?

13.)discuss the saminist movement in indonesia

14.)why did the people of baster rise in revolt against the british?

15.)explain how the changes in forest management in colonial period affected the firms in timber/forest produce?

16.)explain any 5 reasons for increase deforestation under colonial period


It will be helpfull if you post one question at a time. You have a list of questions which cannot be answered due to paucity of time. we are providing you few of the answers.

Please follow the given link:

Q: 3.)what were the reasons for the expansion of the cultivation in the colonial period?


Q: why did the people of baster rise in revolt against the british?:


Q: explain any 5 reasons for increase deforestation under colonial period:


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