6. Write all properties of parallelogram, square , rectangle, rhombus,

Types of Quadrilaterals

There are special types of quadrilateral:

Types of Quadrilateral

Some types are also included in the definition of other types! For example a square, rhombus and rectangle are also parallelograms. See below for more details.

Let us look at each type in turn:

The Rectangle

means "right angle"
show equal sides

A rectangle is a four-sided shape where every angle is a right angle (90°).

Also opposite sides are parallel and of equal length.

The Rhombus


A rhombus is a four-sided shape where all sides have equal length.

Also opposite sides are parallel and opposite angles are equal.

Another interesting thing is that the diagonals (dashed lines in second figure) of a rhombus bisect each other at right angles.

The Square

means "right angle"
show equal sides

A square has equal sides and every angle is a right angle (90°)

Also opposite sides are parallel.

A square also fits the definition of a rectangle (all angles are 90°), and a rhombus (all sides are equal length).

The Parallelogram


A parallelogram's opposite sides are parallel and equal in length. Also opposite angles are equal (angles "a" are the same, and angles "b" are the same)


NOTE: Squares, Rectangles and Rhombuses are all Parallelograms!



A parallelogram with:

  • all sides equal and
  • angles "a" and "b" as right angles

is a square!

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