Advantages and Disadvantages of Vegetative Propagation ?

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  • -9

 plants raised by vegetative propagation can bear friuts and flowers earlier than those produced from seeds.

fruits like banana ,rose, jasmine etc which have lost the capacity to produce seeds can reproduce by this method.

plants produced by this method are genetically similar to the parent plant to have all its characteristics.


thumbz up plzz.....:)

  • 4


(i) Plant which do not produce seeds, are propagated by the method e.g., sugar-cane, banana, potato, rose, orange, seedless grapes, jasmines, chrysanthemum, etc.

(ii) Vegetative propagation is a cheaper, easier and more rapid method of propagation in plants than growing plants from their seeds; for example, many lilies grow very slowly and take 4 to 7 years to developed flowers, when grown their seeds, but flowers are produced only after a year or two when grown vegitatively.

(iii) The trait (character) of a plant is preserved by vegetative reproduction.

(iv) Thus, the plants generated from vegetative means requires less time to grow and to have the advantages of being more uniform and genetically similar to the parent stock. Another advantage is that in propagation by this methods, the plants skip the risky seedling stage in which a number of plants die under adverse conditions. Many seedless verities of grapes, banana and oranges are produced by this method.

However, there are some disadvantages associated with this mode of reproduction. Plants grown by this method lose vigour and become prone to diseases.



1.Vegetative propogation induces over crowding.

2.There is no genetic variation, so there is less adaptability t the environment.

3.The disease of the parent plant gets transferred to the offspring.

4.The plats lose vigour.

5.New characters can neither be introduced nor undesirable characters be eliminated.

hope it helps........

  • 22


=> Faster and simpler mode of repro.

=> Desirable characteristics of different plants can be preserved.

=> Plants that have lost the capacity to produce seeds can reproduce thru this method.

=> All the plants produced are genetically similar to the parent plant.

=> Methods such as grafting and layering can be commercially profitable...



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=>The plants gradually lose their vigour as there is no genetic variation. They are more prone to diseases that are specific to the species. This can result in the destruction of an entire crop.

=>Since many plants are produced, it results in overcrowding and lack of nutrients.



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