Article on Social Networking-Boon or Bane

Here are a few pointers that will help you write your debate on the mentioned topic:



  • Social sites are a great source of information.
  • Social networking sites are a unique world in themselves.
  • Social networking has led to the emergence of social media that has acted as a trigger in public awareness .
  • Sharing information about oneself has become so easier with the help of the social sites.






  • Social networking sites have led to social isolation rather than broadening the social horizon.
  • Feelings and emotions have been transformed into emoticons which are incapable of expressing the entire bundle of emotions.
  • This two-dimensional interaction has led to depression and isolation and also increased stress and tension.
  • This has led to a person being introvert and less confident about his communicative skills.
  • Patience and cooperation are a few skills in which people are lacking nowadays.

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social networking-bane

although its helpful since we come across many friends, family members, teachers, but it wastes our valuable, it isn't good.

students who are immatured, share information which may be hacked, they may be trapped or black-mailed, etc..

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 In my views i would say that its a kind of virus which is destructing the students study now a days.Students not concentrate on studies and  are always busy with it .So I think so it should be banned for students and the host must check that the account must not be fake.

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