Bring out the symbolism in the poem,"the road not taken".

These details would help you understand the symbolism in the poem:

There are always two roads in a person's life. One road is being tread on by many. It has been travelled on by almost the entire world who follow other people and fear to know the unknown. Second road is the road which is fresh and seems not to be tread upon by many. It does not assure surety of success and yet is more appealing because it has remained undiscovered.

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The road not taken symbolizes the choice to enter the unchartered land. It suggests that in making this choice one is trying to distinguish oneself from the rest of the world by taking the less traveled, less worn road. it is indicative of a person who is ready and willing to take a chance, to face a challange, who possible prefers that to the more traditional or safe ways of those of who have gone before.

It also seems to suggest courage as an important value in how we live our lives. From the poem we know that taking the less traveled road has made all the difference, suggesting that the author's life achieved that sense of difference from the commonality that might be seen on a more traditional walk. The author seems to suggest that this is a real achievement to walk on one's own without guidence, to strike out on the unbeaten path and act couragously for oneself in one's choices.

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The road not taken symbolysis the moment when we face a sitution where the folks into two like the author he reached the point where he saw tow paths he wanted to travel both the roads but as a one traveller he can not do so so he chosed the road which was less frequented and was covered with leaves but as usual after covering some distance like our's he regret over his choice so this different choice made all the differences in his life.

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