can u give a paragraph on advantages of tree plantation


 We plant trees in plantations for  various reasons, including maintaining water 

sources, upgrading soil quality, improving climate, supplying construction timber and 
wood energy, providing shelter for livestock, and furthermore, for social advantages,
cultural and traditional conservation and for beautifying the landscape.Tree planting along the boundary  of large fields and the homestead is useful for
strong live fences, windbreaks, wood energy and other complementary products 
such as fodder.Planting trees along the road provides various advantages such as shade, 
beautification of the landscape, a good and clean climate, prevention of soil erosion, 
drainage, prevention of dust from flying onto people houses, and providing wood for 
various use.Planting trees in public places,  such as hospitals,  schools, pagodas and public 
gardens provides particular advantages such  as shade and beauty,  which is very 
beneficial to all people.Forest cover can help prevent  erosion, and the roots of trees growing along
waterways  are useful for holding and preventing the banks from collapsing.
Waterways with no trees or plants growing on their banks suffer from high levels of 
soil erosion, which in the long run  will widely deplete the cultivable and residential
land. Therefore, there should be urgent measures for tree planting to protect the
area from  soil erosionThis increases the amount of fodder for raising animals. Fodder trees are fast
growing on  all types of land, they  tolerate arid soil, are easy to plant, and highly 
productive. More significantly, planted fodder trees can be advantageous for fencing 
and beautifying the homestead. Strong winds, storms and floods more often devastate open areas than forests. 
Storms or floods do not only destroy infrastructure and houses but they also destroy 
agricultural products. The most successful approach for prevention is to plant trees 
as barriers.
hope so this help u 
   thumbs up plz...

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 I'll see if I can get a better paragraph.

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 Tress as we know it are the lungs of our Mother Earth. In recent times, a huge amount of deforestation has been casuing lots of damage to our world. It is threatening the existence of our Earth andultimately ours. Therefore it is important for people like us to support tree plantation. Tree plantation unlike wild growth is more favorable because we know that the trees planted will be productive whereas wild plants may cause more harm than they should. By planting more trees without discriminating a lot, we can help balance the ratio of oxygen and carbon dioxide and thereby save ourselves.

  • 7

Hello all,
@Scintillramani, your friends Kshitij and Jagriti have put in very nice efforts in helping you. Hope that helped!
@ Kshitij and Jagriti, very well done! Your spirit of helping is commendable!
You both get a thumbs up from meritnation experts of English.
Keep posting!

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