character sketch of harold in keeping it from harold... n some questions related to this chapter

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 harold was the son of mr and mrs bramble.

he was considered as a child prodigy as he was an intellectual and intelligent child. he had won immense prizes int he field of spelling bee.

he was not so good in sports but yet had an interest in them. his friends used to bully him by the name of "goggles"

he was very sad by the fact that his father had hidden his proffesion from him.

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 oh wow! sadpcess!! what a brilliant answer have u writen i just <3ed it

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Harold was the son of Mr and Mrs bramble.He was a very intelligent child.He had won some prizes for spelling and dictation compititions.He is not a good at sports  and also not interested in it.He used to read the mails every day to update himself.His friends used to bully him by the name of "goggles".

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Harold was the son of Mr and Mrs bramble.He was a very intelligent child.He had won some prizes for spelling and dictation compititions.He is not a good at sports and also not interested in it. It was wrong ans.

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harold from the chap ''keeping it from harold'' was an intellegent boy of mr and mrs bramble.being a young boy of  10, he was very matured for his a simple word he was a book worm.he was different from other children and devoted much of his time with books which as a source of amazement to mrs bramble.he was a perfectionist which was his only drawback and his parents were disagreed.he got many prizes for dictation and spelling competions.

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harold was the son of mr and mrs bramble.

he was considered as a child prodigy as he was an intellectual and intelligent child. he had won immense prizes int he field of spelling bee.

he was not so good in sports but yet had an interest in them. his friends used to bully him by the name of "goggles"

he was very sad by the fact that his father had hidden his proffesion from him. 

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