collect and labells fom the bottlesof jams and jellies write down the list of content printed on the labels

Dear student.

This is a creative activity meant to be done by the students based on their understanding and imagination. However I am providing you with the information regarding what will be mentioned on the label of jellies.

Statement of identity (product name). 
Weight of the product in grams.
Ingredients list (sweeteners, acidifying agents, preservatives, antifoaming agents, flavouring agents etc).
Nutrition facts  (% of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins, fats etc).
Address of the manufacturer: (Detailed address of distributor).
Manufacture and Expiry date​: (Date of production and best by date).

Hope this information will clear your doubts about the topic.
If you have any more doubts just ask here on the forum and our experts will try to help you out as soon as possible.

  • 13

collect the labels from the bottles of jams and jellies write down the list of contents printed on the labels

  • -5
[jam   strawberry]  strawberry
  • -4
u can read it on the jar
  • -3
it contains the ways to use it and the contents and where it is manufactured
  • -1
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