Define Poverty Line?

Poverty line refers to the cut off point in terms of per capita expenditure incurred by the people to satisfy basic needs. The people lying below this cut-off point are considered as poor. For example, i f the per capita expenditure of Rs 300 per month is taken as a cutoff point, then those surviving on a monthly income of less than Rs 300 are considered as poor. According to the estimates, in 1999-2000, there were 260 million below poverty line.


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  1. the estimated minimum level of income needed to secure the necessities of life is called poverty line.
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  1. Thepoverty threshold, orpoverty line, is the minimumlevelof income deemed adequate in a particular country. In practice, like the definition ofpoverty, the official or common understanding of thepoverty lineis significantly higher in developed countries than in developing countries.
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Poverty lineis the line that divides the poor and non-poor on the basis of income and expenditure levels.
It is different for different countries. This is because the standard of living and price of commodities vary from place to place.
It is generally higher in developed countries compared to developing and under-developed ones.
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  1. Poverty line means the estimated minimum level of income needed to secure the necessities of life.
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