describe the military coup of 1973 in chile?

Salvador Allende 's government was overthrown by the military coup of 1973. The events are as follows:

On the morning of 11 September 1973, the military took over the seaport. The Defence Minister was arrested by the military when he arrived at his office. The military commanders asked the President to resign. Allende refused to resign or leave the country. But realising the danger to the country and to his life, he addressed the people on the radio, part of which we read in the beginning. Then the military surrounded the President’s house and started bombing it. President Allende died in the military attack. 

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The morning of 11 September 1973, was the day Salvador Allende's government was overthrown by the military.This was the military coup of 1973.

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describe it plzz in about 70 to 80 words!!!!!!!

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