difference between biotic and abiotic resources

biotic resources - 

  • it has a life content in it
  • obtained form biosphere
  • eg : animals and plants

abiotic resorced -

  • it doesnt have a life content in it
  • composed of nonliving thing
  • eg : rocks , minerals

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biotic is living n abiotic is non-living

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biotic resources means resources which are available in our biospere having a life

example: flora anf fauna

abiotic resources means all those which are composed of non-living things

eg: rocks , metals

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biotic resources are those resources which are living while abiotic resources are those resources which are non living.

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those resourses which are derive from living organisms are biotic resources ex.crops,flesh.egg.milk etc

those resources which are derive from non-living organisms are abiotic resources. ex.land,water,air etc

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Biotic Components - The word 'bio ' comes the Greek word bios which means life. Therefore, the biotic components of an ecosystem are the living things. These could be towering trees, mighty elephants and even small microbes that cannot be seen by the naked eye.

Abiotic Components - These are non-living factors of an ecosystem. Light, water, temperature, air and soil are some of the abiotic components.


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Biotic, meaning of or related to life, are living factors. Plants, animals, fungi, protist and bacteria are all biotic or living factors and other stuff like competition, disease, and overpopulation are all biotic factors

Abiotic, meaning not alive, are nonliving factors that affect living organisms. Environmental factors such habitat (pond, lake, ocean, desert, mountain) or weather such as temperature, cloud cover, rain, snow, hurricanes, etc. are abiotic factors.

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biotic resources are resources obtained from living organisms such as plants and animals. they include forest products etc., 
abiotic resources are resources obtained from the physical environment. they include land water air etc.,

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abiotic-non living


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BIOTIC  RESOURCES--------  biotic resources are those things obtained from biosphere . these go on reproducing and regenerating as long as flavourable condition exist. they are not exhaustible 

  eg  ---   human being , forest , e.t.c. 

 ABIOTIC RESOURCES ------ all those things which are composed of non-- living things are called abiotic resources

    eg---  land , water , soil , minerals,  metals,  e.t.c.

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