difference between fission in ameoba, leishmania and plasmodium...........

plz give the answer ............

Dear student,

Leishmania  is a protozoan parasite that reproduces generally by binary fission. In  Leishmania , binary fission occurs in one particular axis. They  divide only longitudinally.   Leishmani a   has whip-like flagella at one end of the cell. Cell division occurs in relation to these flagella.

​​ Asexual reproduction in  Paramecium  occurs by transverse binary division. It takes place under favourable food and environmental conditions. During division,  constriction appears in the middle of the body during elongation of macronucleus which divides the animal into two. Thus, as a result of transverse binary fission, a  Paramecium  divides into two daughter Paramecia.

Plasmodium is a endoparasite that reproduce via multiple fission.  In multiple fission the nucleus divides several times simultaneously or successively into a number of daughter nuclei and then the cytoplasm divides into as many cells as there are nuclei each cell containing a nucleus. It is the common form of asexual reproduction in certain acellular organisms.


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hi! harshitha srinivasan,

Binary fussion :- A single cell divides itslf into two daughter cell it is known as binary fussion, binary fussion can also occur in pirticular axis
IN AMOEBA:- amoeba reproduce with the help of binary fussion
(which is a type of asexual reproduction) it divide itself into two daughter cell in any plane

the steps are:- 1. amoeba divide its nucleus 2. the elongation of cytoplasm takes place  3. two daughter cell born

In Leishmania:- it also reproduce with yhe help of binary fussion, but in pirticular axis. it is a parasitic protozoa causes kala aazar leishmania has wipe like flagella cell division occurs in relation of it 

MULTIPLE FUSSION :- It is also a mode ofasexual reproduction in which a cell divides itself into many daughter cells simultaneously it occur in definite oriontation eg yeast , malarial parasites

Plasmodium:- it reproduces by multiple fussion it divide itself into many daughter cell , inside its cell wall it contain many daughter cell having nucleus in each

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 here answer for u

many different patterns of fission are observed in different orangnisms, like in amoeba- spilting of two cells takes place in any plane

however in leishmania oranganisation of bodies in such that binary fission takes place in definite orientation because it has whip like structure at one end.

in plasmodium mutiple fission occurs such that many daughter cells divide simultaneously

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 hope you understand

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