difference between respiration and breathing?

Both breathing and respiration are required for all living organisms. Generally, breathing and respiration are often considered the same. However, there is a great difference between these two words.

Breathing is a constant process where you breathe in and out constantly through out the day. It is a process of taking in oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide.

Respiration is a process where the body breaks down the oxygen, so that the cells in the body can use it. It is a part of metabolic process also known as catabolic process of a cellular activity where energy molecule  is released while carbon dioxide and water are produced.

Breathing is a physical process and respiration is a biochemical process. Breathing is a process of taking oxygen into the lungs while respiration is taking the oxygen from the lungs into the blood stream or to the cells.

Breathing is an exchange of gases between cells and the external environment whereas respiration is a process that takes place in the cells.

In terms of the action, breathing is a voluntary action and respiration is an involuntary action.  Respiration is an active and mechanical process that involves the conversion of chemical energy into other forms of energy and breathing has no action or conversion involved. 

Breathing can be controlled whereas respiration cannot be controlled. For instance, one can able take a deep and shallow or fast and slow breaths. Since respiration takes places in the cells and tissues, it cannot be controlled like breathing.


Breathing: taking air in (inspiration) and out of your lungs (expiration); can be consciously controlled (voluntary action)

Respiration:  part of a metabolic process; cellular activity;end products are energy molecules, carbon dioxide and water; cannot be consciously controlled (involuntary action)

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Respiration refers to the exchange of CO2 and oxygen that occurs between the alveoli and the blood vessels.

Breathing or ventilation is the actual process of moving air in and out of the lungs.

Many people are put on ventilators in hospitals which pumps air in and out of the lungs, but the exchange that takes place in the alveoli is respiration

explanation -

Respiration is the release of energy from food, usually sugar. It is a chemical reaction which takes place inside all living cells.
Breathing is the process by which air is drawn into and out of the lungs.
When air is in the lungs, oxygen is taken into the body. The oxygen is then used during respiration to 'burn' the food, releasing its energy. When food burns, it produces waste carbon dioxide. This CO2 is passed out of the body from the lungs when we breathe out.
So, respiration and breathing are connected, but they are not the same thing.
Unfortunately, some people do still use the two words to mean the same thing. Also, the breathing system is also called the respiratory system. Just to make it worse, giving someone a kiss is called artificial respiration, instead of artificial breathing!
Breathing is sometimes divided into two stages: ventilation (the movement of air in and out of the lungs) and gas exchange (the absorption of oxygen from the lungs and the release of CO2 into the lungs).
One last complication: breathing is sometimes called 'external' respiration, and respiration is sometimes called 'internal' or 'cellular' respiration, there is also aerobic and unaerobic respiration...

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Breathing is just inhaling of oxygen and exhaling of  carbon dioxide

Respiration is the process of breaking down of  food to produce energy in the presence of oxygen

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Breathing means taking in oxygen and giving out carbon dioxide from the surroundings.

Respiration is the process of aquiring oxygen from outside th body and use it in the process of break down of food sources for cellular neeeds.

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