Differentiate between regular and diffused reflection. ?

When all the reflected rays from a given smooth surface are parallel for parallel incident rays, the reflection is known as regular reflection.
When for a given set of incident parallel rays, the reflected rays do not remain parallel to each other, the reflection is known as diffused or irregular reflection.

Regular reflection

Irregular reflection

1. It occurs when parallel beam of incident rays remain parallel after reflection.

1. It occurs when parallel beam of incident light doesn’t remain parallel after reflection.

2. Occurs from smooth surfaces like mirror, silver spoon etc.

2. Occurs from rough surfaces like wood, table, door, book etc.


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1. Reflection from a polished surface is called regular reflection whereas reflection from a rough surface is called diffuse reflection. 
2.Eg of regular reflection= plane mirror
   Eg of diffused reflection= wall
3. In regular reflection, the angle of Incidence is equal to the angle of Reflection whereas in diffused reflection, the angle of incidence is not equal to the angle of reflection.
4. The image formed is much clear in a regular reflection whereas in a diffused reflection, the image may not be clear.
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Differences between regular and irregular reflection are

Regular reflection Irregular Reflection
1) After reflection rays are parallel. 1) After the reflection rays are not parallel.
2) It obeys law of reflection 2) It does not obey law of reflection.
3) Surface used for reflection is smooth.

3) Surface used for reflection is rough.

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Regular reflection takes place from a smooth or a regular surface. In regular reflection, all reflected rays are parallel to each other for parallel incident rays. Irregular or diffused reflection takes place from an irregular surface. In diffused reflection, the reflected rays are not parallel to each other for parallel incident rays. This happens because of the presence of irregular microscopic surfaces. Hence, parallel incident rays reflect in different directions. However, each ray obeys the laws of reflection. Therefore, laws of reflections are not violated in diffused or irregular reflections.

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regular reflection.

1. Reflection from a polished surface is called regular reflection.

2. The rays are parallel.

3. Give glaze to our eyes.

4. Example, plane mirror.
diffuse reflection.

 1. Reflection from a rough surface is called diffuse reflection.

2. The rays are not parallel.

3. It makes objects visible.

4. Example, wall.

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Answering ourself 


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 No,  i  gues it was given by my brother and the question also must be given by my brother  because  he is learning this  chapter  LIGHT  AND  ITS REFLECTION 

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like plsss !!!

  • -8

  like wat ......  wrtie  ans for any of my questions but not this one cuz this is buy my bro .

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reflection of light from a smooth mirror is called regular reflection.

when light rays fall on an irregular or rough reflection surface,they get reflected in different direction.As a result,the reflected light falls over a larger area and the image formed is not sharp and clear.this type of refletion is called irregularor diffused reflection...

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