Find the area of quadrilateral ABCD whose vertices are A(-5,7), B(-4,-5), C(-1,-6) and D(4,5).

What is answer of this question? I solved this question but my answer is coming different from answer given in sample Q-P  .. So I got confused ... In sample Q-P its given that area = 72 .but i am not getting this value at all. hoping for guide lines from you.


@Anandbhashyakarla: has correctly provided the solution.

For finding the area of quadrilateral ABCD, join AC. Area of two obtained triangles can be found out by using the formula .

Area of triangle ABC = square unit

Area of triangle ADC = square unit

∴ Area of quadrilateral ABCD = Area of triangle ABC + Area of triangle ADC = square unit = 72 square unit

  • 14

Firstly, join BD. then, area of quad. ABCD = area of tri. ABD + area tri. BCD.

then, area of tri. ABD = 1/2 {-5(-5-5) -4(5-7) 4(-5+5)}

  = 1/2{ 50+ 8+0)

  = 29.....(1)

area of tri. BCD = 1/2{ -4(-6-5) -1(5+5) +4(-5+6)}

  = 1/2{44-10 +4)

  = 19.....(2)

adding (1) and(2), we get,

area quad. ABCD = (29+19)

  = 48 sq cm....ans... :)

  • 2

firstly join AC.

ar of ABC






now arADC






adding these 2 areas we get -109/2+35/2


=37sq cm.............

  • 6

hey sorry in the area of ADC =-109/2,  minus is negated so -109/2 will be +109/2.

so 109/2


so theres the answer.



  • 7

Find the area of the quadrilatral A,B,C,D with vertices A(2,2)  B(-1,4)  C(-3,1)  D(1,-1)

  • -1
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