Give any three causes of french revolution?

Dear Student
Answer to your question is as follows :

The major three causes which resulted to french revolution were :-

  1. social cause :-The french society was divided into three estates , the first two consisted of clergy and nobility respectively , the third estate consisted of merchants , businessman, lawyers and peasants. Third state didn't had equal rights and the other estates enjoyed the other privileges.
  2. economic cause :- third estate had to pay all the taxes imposed by the king as the other estates were exempted from it. The prices bread rose which was the main staple diet of the people and there was subsistence crisis.
  3. immediate cause :- Rumours spread that the king will order his troops to attack Paris (as people were revolting ) and then 4000 - 5000 people gathered and formed people's militia.

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The causes of French revolution were three pronged.

Political cause: The rule of Louis XVI was of extravagance. When he became the king , he found an empty treasury . Long years of war had drained the financial resources of France. Added to this was the cost of maintaining an extravagant court at the immense palace of Versailles. Under Louis XVI, France sponsored the American rebellion against their common enemy, Britain. The war added more than a billion livres to a debt that had already risen to more than 2 billion livres.

Social cause - The french society was divided into three estates and only the third estate had to bear the burden of tax payment. Peasants made up about 90 per cent of the population. However, only a small number of them owned the land they cultivated. About 60 per cent of the land was owned by nobles, the Church and other richer members of the third estate. The members of the first two estates, that is, the clergy and the nobility, enjoyed certain privileges by birth. The most important of these was exemption from paying taxes to the state. The nobles further enjoyed feudal privileges. These included feudal dues, which they extracted from the peasants. Peasants were obliged to render services to the lord to work in his house and fields to serve in the army or to participate in building roads.

Economic cause - Production of grains could not keep pace with the demand. The price of bread which was the staple diet of the majority rose rapidly . Most workers were employed as labourers in workshops whose owner fixed their wages. But wages did not keep pace with the rise in prices. So the gap between the poor and the rich widened.Things became worse whenever drought or hail reduced the harvest.This led to a subsistence crisis, something that occurred frequently in France during the Old Regime.

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Main causes of the French Revolution: 1) The social and psychological burdens of the many wars of the 18th century, which in the era before the dawn of nationalism were exclusively the province of the monarchy. 2) Aspirations for liberty and republicanism. 3) Widespread famine and malnutrition, which increased the likelihood of ailments and death, in the most destitute segments of the population during the months immediately before the Revolution. 4) High unemployment and high bread prices, causing more money to be spent on food and less in other areas of the economy.

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