how do human beings influence the ecology of a region?

Human beings are an integral part of the ecosystem together with species of plants and animals. Human activities have largely been responsible for disturbing balance of nature, bringing changes in the climatic conditions,  thereby creating ecological imbalance.

Pollution: Human activities have resulted in increased pollution of all natural resources like water, air, etc.  

Deforestation: Deforestation rate has been increased with the increase in human population and industrialization. This has disturbed the normal cycling of water and nutrients in the environment. Also, it is a cause of global warming as carbon dioxide concentration is increasing with time.

Extinction of species- Pollution, deforestation, activities like hunting, poaching, killing animals for skin and flesh have brought about extinction of many plants and animals who play an important part in maintaining balance of nature.

Climate change : Human activities have resulted in various phenomenas like global warming and melting of glaciers. This is resulting in an overall change in the temperature and climate of earth and its environment.

Depletion of ozone layer: Various chemicals like chlorofluorocarbons result in depletion of ozone layer. The depletion of the layer is resulting increased exposure to UV rays.
Excessive Urbanisation, industrialization,reckless cutting of tress, over exploitation of resources has brought about dramatic changes


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