How was Miss Stapleton crucial to the story? What impression did you form of her? Write briefly.

Beryl Stapleton had been passed off as the sister of Stapleton when in reality she was his wife. Originally Beryl Garcia, she had been one of the beauties of Costa Rica whom Stapleton or Rodger Baskerville junior married and then fled to England post purloining a considerable sum of public money. Stapleton has terrorized Beryl into consenting to his plan of acquiring the Baskerville ancestral property through untoward means and she had had no choice but to comply. Also, Stapleton used to ill-treat her and keep her under his constant supervision. 

However, she was a woman of grit and took the opportunity to sending a warning missive to Sir Henry urging him not to come to Baskerville Hall. She had also tried to warn Dr Watson thinking that he was Sir Henry when they had first met. Eventually, she was rescued by the detective and in turn she helped lead them to where Stapleton had escaped. She had been instrumental in helping Holmes and Dr Watson solve the case of the hound of the Baskervilles. 

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