I need a small Paragraph of 5 points on Fire: Friend and Foe Please it urgent

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* fire is useful and dangerous

*fire as a good servant

*we use fire to cook food, generate electricity, and to warm our homes

*fire as a bad master

*damages property to a large extent

*vast areas of forest are damaged by fire

*loss of human life

a paragraph

Fire! Fire! Those words can often instill panic and fear in our minds. We think of the devastating results fires can have, the lives they can claim and the destruction they leave behind. Now with the fires that took place this summer in Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, and South Dakota, fire, and fire management is on the forefront of the minds of many an ecologist. Just what role does fire play in an ecosystem?Is fire a destructive menace that must be kept in strict control, or does it serve a useful purpose? In the interests of forest health, the quality of habitat for wildlife, the productivity of the soil, and the aesthetically pleasing result of healthy trees and an abundance of wildlife, fire does indeed serve a useful purpose. Fire is a natural rejuvenator, helping to curb disease, break down underbrush to be recycled, improve the quality of vegetation, and give the forest a fresh new start.

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fire is a good servant but a bad master

fire is use for cooking food, warming home and many other things

but sometines it is a bad master also when it is uncontrolen

if it is uncontrol it make so much of damages

it can kill us also.

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Fire has always had a vital role in human lives; I believe it may be best described as like a person with two faces. While giving warmth and lights, it may turn into the most dangerous enemy destroying everything on its way.When I look at fire it resembles thousands offairiesplaying and having fun together. They laugh about everything and everyone as any person on this world cherishes and loves fire, no one would survive the cold winters neither light a candle in the church while praying without it. At some point the little fairies feel they want more freedom and no one can set any boundaries for them if they want to rush somewhere. They are beautiful and very dangerous. Just like water.It depends what kind of task it is; hope this gives some ideas. :)

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Fire is one of our greatest tools and also one of our most destructive forces. So is it an enemy or a friend?Fire has been around since creation. In fact, it appears that fire had a hand in creation itself. Therefore, man did not discover fire. It is believed that he discovered its use. Before he discovered its use, man was probably at its mercy. Fires started in nature, by lightning or by the sun, it must have terrified the early man. He did not use it to cook meat as early man ate raw meat. Then one day he discovered that fire, which burnt and hurt, could be useful. From that time, fire ceased to be an enemy and became man's best friend.Today, we can hardly conceive a life without fire. It cooks our food, provides warmth and burns away rubbish. Fire plays a major part in our lives from birth till we are cremated. Since it has been discovered that food tastes much better and is healthier when cookked, cooking has evolved over the years. Now, there are countless dishes to prepare using fire.Yet, this great friend can be a very dangerous enemy. In its natural state, fire can break out at any moment - usually through careless handling - causing devastating harm. Destruction of lives and property by fire is one of the, almost, daily disasters in the world. Not even the most developed countries are exempt from this. All anyone can do is take as many precautions as possible to fight it when it occurs. Frequently when fires break out, humans are helpless and great losses occur before the fires are brought under control.Even in the wild, fire does not have to be a villain. Fire is actually vital to the survival of several species. It remove slow growing underbush, cleanses the forest floor of debris, opens it up to sunlight and nourishes the soil. Established trees have to compete with undergrowth for nutrients and space. Fire clears the weaker trees and returns health to the forest

if you want shorter than this then you can remove some sentences.

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