In the story Diary of a young girl, briefly explain Anne's relationship with her parents. How is her relationship from her father different from her relationship with her mother? What does each relationship tell you about Anne, her values and her needs?

Anne was a budding teenager, and like most kids, she was going through a confusing phase. Her relationship with her parents was cordial, though she was closer to her father than her mother. Since Otto and Anne shared similar interests, she felt more connected to him. Anne's relationship with her mother Edith was tensed from time to time, due to the fact that she felt, that her mother did not understand her and sympathise/empathise enough with her. Though there are accounts when she feels disgruntled by her familial ties, but she loved them nonetheless. 
As a teenager, she was going through a period of transition, her needs were evolving and so were her thoughts. She complains at times that her father doesn't take her seriously, and that her mother does not understand her, which is something that everyone experiences when they are teenagers. Hence Anne was a normal teenager, living in extra-ordinary times.

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