inspite of many programs for poverty mitigation launched by the governmentin india still continues. support your answer by giving examples

The following points may help you:

a. Political Will- Even though government has made many anti poverty schemes like  Rural Employment Generation Programme (REGP), Prime Minister Rojgar Yojana (PMRY), National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA).  until and unless there  is a political will on part of the state machinery to effectively implement it the policies will bear no results.

b. Effective implementation mechanism- Merely framing policies is not enough, problem lies in the implementation process. Most of the programmes fail to reach the targeted beneficiaries as there is no effective mechanism to keep a track of the policy. It require effective control and regulation and periodic checks.

c. Excessive corruption- This has rather been the main hindrance in the implementation process, involvement of the middlemen, red tapism in the bureaucratic machinery has severely affected implementation mechanism.

d. Socio-Economic inequalities- Our society is characterized by grave social and economic inequalities where people face discrimination and injustice and are deprived of the benefits. 

e. Level of Awareness- It is important to create awareness about governments policies and programmes through local bodies and village communities. 

f. Urban- Rural divide, regional disparities have also contributed to underdevelopment. While some areas continue to grow and prosper certain areas lack even the basic facilities.

g. The caste system which is so well entrenched in the Indian society and  where the most vulnerable social groups are the SC's have been victims of discrimination and injustice, such a  
group is cut off from availing the opportunities and benefits available . We need to do away with the caste system .

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