Let a,b be non-zero real numbers. Which of the following statements about the quadratic equation
ax^2 +(a+b)x +b=0 is necessarily true?
(I) It has atleast one negative root.
(II) It has atleast one positive root.
(III) Both its roots are real.
A. I and II only
B.I amd III only
C.II and III only
D.All of them

Dear Student,
Please find below the solution to the asked query:

ax2+a+bx+b=0Here, D=a+b2-4ab=a2+b2+2ab-4ab=a2+b2-2ab=a-b20D0i.e. both roots are realSo, x=-a+b±a-b22a=-a+b±a-b2ax=-a+b-a-b2a or x=-a+b+a-b2ax=-2a2a or x=-2b2ax=-1 or x=-baAtleast one root is negativeHence, the correct option is B.

Hope this information will clear your doubts about the topic.

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