Please post some important questions from Julius Ceasar.

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Q.1 Why is brutus ' soliloquy important?

Q.2 How does Antony, Brutus,& Cassius ' attitude towards Caesar affect the outcome of the play?

Q.3. In Shakespeare 's Julius Caesar, what is Brutus 's reaction to seeing the Ghost of Caesar?

Q.4. Compare and contrast Calpurnia and Portia in Julius Ceasar.



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1. what happened that made calpurnia request julius caeser not to go to the senate house that day?

2. describe calpurnia's dream. what does it signify?

3. describe how caeser is killed?

4. how does antony prove that julius caeser was not ambitious?

5. how does antony incite the mob against the conspirators?

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 long ans type que. :

  1. how does decius brutus make julius caeser to go to the senate house?
  2. how does antony conduct himself before the conspirators after caeser is  murdered? what does it shows of his character?
  3. describe how antony incites the Roman people against the conspirators?
  4. cassius is asked by his friend how caeser was killed. Write a reply to this letter on cassiss's behalf.
  5. imagine you are a reporter and have covered the funeral speech delivered by antony. write a report about it for your newspaper.


THUMBS UP PLEASE.........!!!!!

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