Please solve

Question regarding 'although' and 'even though' has been correctly answered by Jahnavi Singh, please refer to it.
Answers of 'hardly....when':
6. Hardly had she read the letter when she started screaming.
7. Hardly had Ahmad called her when she informed her boss.
8. Hardly had they reached the park when they started playing.
9. Hardly had they won the match when the coach had a heart attack.
10. Hardly had the company launched its new product when it went bankrupt.
For assistance on the remaining queries, kindly post a single question in one thread.

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In the given questions you may use although or even though which means either of the two....both shall be correct not one like Drrb has written....

Even though I am sick, I will go to work.
Even though it is hot outside,I want to go shopping.
Although learning English is hard, I enjoy it.
Although Jack is a vegetarian, he eats fish sometimes.
Even though I like the weekends, I like going to school as well.

You may use the other as well!
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