Rain in the hills and rain in the desert present entirely different scenario.in the hills it revitalizes the greenery and freshens the vegetation;it waters the parched land and relieves the thirsty and panting souls in the desert. this has been a year of scanty rains.imagine how the rain would be welcomed when it pours in the hills and in the desert after a long dry spell.choose one of the places and describe (a)What are you likely to see? (b)What would happen to the rain water? (c)What would be the scene before and after the rain? class 9th english literature poetry 7 song of the rain

hey i m ansering my self question

RAIN IN DESERT............

ans(a)-i would be likely to see wet moisturised and norished sand of desert which would be smelling pleasant due 2 rain water.i want to see the animals of desert that joy in marry by getting relief of heat of desert.the scenario of a little amount greenery and prosperity in the vast dry desert.

ans(b)-in the desert the sand would absorb the rain water.its like the rain water would bow and everything will be elated. here the houses are built of thick wall and flat roof so tht rain water can be stored on the roof for long time cold.

ans(c)-before the rain ,there would be a dry desert the thirsty sand waiting for water to quench its thirst.there wold be extreme amount of heat and dryness every where.But after rain everything would be reversed of it there would be wet sand a little amount of greenery all around,the plesant fragrance of sand and a extremely beautifull scenario.

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