Solve this

Solve this Ou au are days ehey are whose away and 014 oy Prepare a on age it a Z.]ntroducuon, You canadd 3-Diary entry- How you back 2 •JSQC4LSQ.ENßE•1.GJve keep busy/ s-oive their economic 2. Talk to a number Oryoung a old p caple and Lead paren ts in Old age hom (3) 3 steps goVernment 'NGOS cap "sure security take hints from schemes in foreign coui'triesj béeå take care of them. Find out describe any opesuch applor can greate any stich thing of your Z-Discuss at least senile five most common health problems and their easy home rememes. THS•I.Siudy andcompare the trend/perccntagc.tparents living alone in villages/ cities\Representthe ofa histogram. Various social/economic factors push parents to iive ,separatO from,their children. Study the factors representi ft•rmation in form pie chart. mod the no. ofgood old age homes Oftotal for comparison. ZNIABI-I 8'u afar i.füz 3.Hi fimv-ä,

Dear student,
This is self evaluation project. Kindly do it by yourself! You can take the help from internet.

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I suggest u should do it on your own .
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