tap water conducts electricity where as distilled water does not ?why?

 Tap Water conducts electricity because tap water has dissolved  minerals in it and which increase its electrical conductivity while distilled water does not have dissolved minerals in it so it dos not conduct electricity

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 tap water contains some impurities dissolved in it which acts as free electrons in water allowing tap water to allow elictricity to pass through them.

While distilled water contains no impurities and is a pure form of water, So it has no free electrons in it. So it doesn't allows electricity to pass through them.

Hope it helps!

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 eletricity conductivity is only possible with the movement of electrons or ions...

since tap water has many minerals and SALTS dissolved in dem....(as salts r counpounds made from combinations of ions...since tap water contains these ions its conducts eleticity

on other hand, distilled water does not contain these salts (i.e. ions) dissolved in dem....dat is y dey dont conduct eletricity

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 Tap water contains significantly more ions of dissolved salts (ions of chloride, bicarbonate, sodium, calcium, magnesium) up to 0.010 mol/L, while pure water only contains 1.0*10-7 mol/L of H+ and OH- ions. Ions are the conductant part of a solution, not neutral water molecule

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 Tap water has salt.So it conducts electricity.

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Tap water contains impure particles such as salt dissolved in it. As salt is a conducter of electricity, duue to the presence of salt in tap water it can conduct electricity.Whereas distilled water contains no amount of salt in it. Actually when water is boiled all its impure particles (and salt) get evaporated. Such type of purified water is called distilled water.Due to the absence of salt (and other particles) in distilled water it cannot conduct electricity.

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