The auto fare in city is as follows:it has fixed cost and rest for the distance covered. write a linear equations if for the distance of 10km the cost is Rs 98. write the equations for 15 km as well as 25km . when the fares are Rs 143 &Rs 243 respectively

  • -3
let the fixed charge = Rs x and
the charges per km =Rs y
acc. to question,
x + 10y  = 105............(1)
x + 15y = 155..............(2)
  ---  ---    ---
-5y = -50
y = 10

put in (1) , we get
x + 10 (10) = 105
x + 100 = 105
x = 105 - 100
x = 5

thus, the fixed charge = x = Rs. 5 and
the charge per km = Rs. y = Rs. 10
  • 1
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