the monthly salaryies of A , B , C are in the proportion 2 : 3 : 5 . If C's monthly salary is Rs 1200 more than that of A, then B's annual salary is .

Pls . experts ans me as soon as possible .

Here is the answer to your question.
Given, Salary of A : Salary of B : Salary of C = 2 : 3 : 5
Let the monthly salaries of A, B and C be 2x, 3x and 5x respectively.
Given, Monthly salary of C = Monthly salary of A + Rs 1200
Monthly salary of B = 3x = 3 × Rs 400 = Rs 1200
∴ Annual salary of B = 12 × Rs 1200 = Rs 14400

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 let the salaries of A, B and C be 2x, 3x and 5x resp.

if (salary of C) - (salary of A)

i.e. 5x - 2x = rs 1200

3x = rs 1200

x = 1200/3

then, x = 400.

therefore, salary of B i.e. 3x will be 3 * 400 = rs 1200

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monthly salary of B is 1200,

therefore annual salary of B will be rs 1200 * 12 = Rs 14400


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Let the salaries of A  B  C be 2x  3x  5x

here c's monthly salary is 1200more than A  and  B


  5x=5x  5x=1200/5x=240  5x=240x  5x-x=240  4x=240  x=240-4=236

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 thank u sir

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