thnku sir for answering the question. but one more thing i want to ask you that in case of kinds of pronounn in most of the words like who, when,he we will find in more than one in that case how can we identify in question whether the word WHO is relative or introgative please reply with an example.

Dear student 

Interrogative pronouns are 5W's. These are - who, whom, whose, which and what. 

Interrogative pronouns are always used to ask questions. 

For example:
- Who are you talking to?
- Whose shirt is this?

Relative pronouns however, use words like that, who, when, what etc within a sentence that may or may not be a question. 

- That is the man who beat me up. 
- That is the restaurant where we met.
- This is the house that is haunted. 
- My grandfather was a child, when Gandhi walked through this village. 


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