what are the evidences that decides evolutionery relationships

Evolutionary relationships can be decided by the following evidences:
Analogous organs: Analogous organs are organs which perform the similar functions in different organisms but have different structural plans. Ex. Wings of insects and birds.
Homologous organs: These are the structures that have same basic structural plan but the function is different in different organisms. This shows a common evolutionary relationship between organs of different groups. Ex. Arm of humans and wings of bats.
Vestigial organs: these are the organs or remnants of organs which were once functional but now are not functioning. Ex. Pelvis of a whale or nictitating membrane in humans.
Adaptive radiation: This is the speciation starting from a single organism due to changes in environmental conditions owing to adaptation. Ex. Darwin’s finches in Galapagos Island. 

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In biology, phylogenetics is the study of evolutionary relationships among groups of organisms (e.g. species, populations), which are discovered through molecular sequencing data and morphological data matrices. The term phylogenetics derives from the Greek terms phylé and phylon, denoting "tribe", "clan", "race"and the adjectival form, genetikós, of the word genesis "origin", "source", "birth". The result of phylogenetic studies is a hypothesis about the evolutionary history of taxonomic groups: their phylogeny.

In historical linguistics, similar concepts are used with respect to relationships between languages; and in textual criticism with stemmatics.

Evolution is a process whereby populations are altered over time and may split into separate branches, hybridize together, or terminate by extinction. The evolutionary branching process may be depicted as a phylogenetic tree, and the place of each of the various organisms on the tree is based on a hypothesis about the sequence in which evolutionary branching events occurred.

Phylogenetic analyses have become essential to research on the evolutionary tree of life. For example, the RedToL aims at reconstructing the Red Algal Tree of Life.

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