what is a linking verb?

Linking verbs implies a state of being or condition for the subject, not an action. It links the subject to an equivalent word in the sentence.It may connect the subject with the noun. It is a verb that is used to connect a subject with an adjective or noun that describes or identifies the subject. The most common linking verb is be. Other common linking verbs are appear, become, feel, go, grow, look, remain, seem, smell, sound, taste, and turn.

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A linking verb is a verb that conects or (links) a verb to a noun or an adjective.
I was cold.
was, is has been, smelled, looked, are all linking verbs
Linking verbs do not express action. Instead they connect the subject of the verb to additional information about the subject.


The key thing about a 'linking verb' is that it is followed by an adjective, not an adverb. This is something that learners of English as a foreign or second language may fine difficult.


  1. That sounds/feels/seems fine (not finely).
  2. That looks/smells splendid (not splendidly).
  3. That stays/remains accurate (not accurately).

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A linking verb describe the condition and the state of being its subject like that :-place, thing, idea described.

for example;- preeti is a brave girl.

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Linking verbs implies a state of being or condition for the subject, not an action. It links the subject to an equivalent word in the sentence.It may connect the subject with the noun. It is a verb that is used to connect a subject with an adjective or noun that describes or identifies the subject. The most common linking verb is be. Other common linking verbs are appear, become, feel, go, grow, look, remain, seem, smell, sound, taste, and turn.

Hope this helps !!

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Linking verbs implies a state of being or condition for the subject, not an action. It links the subject to an equivalent word in the sentence.It may connect the subject with the noun. It is a verb that is used to connect a subject with an adjective or noun that describes or identifies the subject. The most common linking verb is be. Other common linking verbs are appear, become, feel, go, grow, look, remain, seem, smell, sound, taste, and turn.

Hope this helps!!

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Linking verbs implies a state of being or condition for the subject, not an action. It links the subject to an equivalent word in the sentence.It may connect the subject with the noun. It is a verb that is used to connect a subject with an adjective or noun that describes or identifies the subject. The most common linking verb is be. Other common linking verbs are appear, become, feel, go, grow, look, remain, seem, smell, sound, taste, and turn.

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Linking verbs do not express action. Instead, they connect the subject of the verb to additional information about the subject. They are sometimes used as Auxillary verbs (helping verbs) also.

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