what is autotrophic and hetrotrophic plants defination in short

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Rice plant is an example of autotrophic and Cuscuta is an example heterotrophic (parasitic plant).

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Autotrophic Nutrition

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Autotrophs synthesize organic materials from inorganic materials. Some organisms derive their energy for this process from sunlight and are called photoautotrophs.

Example: Green plants

Other organisms use chemical energy and are called chemoautotrophs.

Example: Nitrifying bacteria. Photoautotrophs are the primary producers in food chains.

Heterotrophic Nutrition

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Heterotrophs eat ready - made complex organic food. From this they obtain energy for metabolism, atoms and molecules to build new protoplasm or repair worn - out parts, and ions, co-enzymes and vitamins vital for chemical processes. There are four types of heterotrophic nutrition - saprophytic, parasitic, symbiotic and insectivorous.

Saprohytic Nutrition (sapros - rotten phyton - plant)

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agaricus is a  saprophyte

Saprotrophs are decomposers and liberate energy for their own use by breaking down complex organic matter from the dead bodies of other organisms. At the same time this process releases vital chemical elements into the soil which are absorbed by autotrophs. Thus saprotrophs aid the recycling of materials from dead organisms to living ones. Fungal and bacterial saprotrophs are referred to as saprophyte, while animal saprotrophs are called saprozoites.

Mucor hiemalis is a saprophyte and has their branched hyphae, providing a large absorptive surface. These penetrate dead, decaying matter and secrete enzymes into it. the food is digested extracellularly and is subsequently absorbed and transported to other parts of the fungal mycelium.

Parasitic and Insectivorous Plants

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Parasites are organisms that live in or on other living organisms (called the host) generally receiving shelter and deriving nutrients from it. The parasites may cause harm to the host plant.

Stem Parasite

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cuscata is a total stem parasite


Cuscata is a total stem parasite. They absorb food material from host by parasitic root called haustoria.

Semi Parasite - Loranthus, Viscum

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Loranthus grows on the branches of mango, fig, acacia, albizzia, etc. Its primary suckers lie outside the host and sends several haustoria into the host for withdrawing water and mineral salts.

Root Parasites

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Balanophora is non-green and lives on the roots of forest roots. The aerial shoot is thick and massive monotropa (Indian pipe) aerial shoot arise from adventitious buds. The root system absorbs nourishment from the host.


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neottia is a partial root parasite

Partial root parasite is Santalum, sandal wood tree, an evergreen plant which grows at many places in India. Roots develop haustoria that make contact with roots of Dalbergia, Eucalyptus etc.,

Insectivorous or Carnivorous Plants

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Insectivorous plants are autotrophic but obtain organic matter and animal nitrogen from insects, however not bigger than the size of a grasshopper.

There are about 450 species of insectivorous plants.

Drosera or Sundew

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Herb with 6 - 12 leaves which are radical and form rosette. They have long petioles. Lamina is spoon shaped with tentacles which have swollen reddish tip. The tip is glandular and secretes a sticky purple juice which shines in the sun like dew drops. Hence the name sundew. When insects are attracted towards the leaves, tentacles bend and completely entrap the insects which get digested. Tentacles now straighten and become ready to catch another insect.

Dionea or Venus Fly Trap

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The plant possess a rosette of large radical leaves. Petiole is winged and constricted at the point of union with lamina, tip is notched. The margin is slightly curved and bears 12 - 29 spiny teeth. On upper surface of lobe are present three highly sensitive spines called trigger hairs. Lamina consists of digestive glands.


insect eating plant dionea


Dionea or Venus Fly Trap

When an insect happens to alight on the surface of the lamina, the spines are touched and stimulated. The two lobes of lamina snap together. The marginal spines get interlocked and insects is trapped. The digestive glands secrete juice and digest the insects and absorbed. The leaf now opens and remains of insects fall down.


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Autotraopic plants are those plants which make their food themselves and heterotropic are those animals which are dependent on other organisms for food

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 hello imbaii

ur spelling is wrong saprohytic nutrition = saprophytic ...

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autotrophic means which prepare food on their own

heterotrophic means which it can depend on autotrophic 


by aditya

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Autotrophs are the organisms which prepare their own food and heterotrophs are the organisms which depend on others for food. 

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AUTOTROPHIC :the mode of taking nutrition which is by themselves is called...

HETROTROPIC:the mode of taking nutrition which is made by using plants or other animals is called...

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hi! Rahul

There are two modes of nutrition 1.AUTOTROPHIC 2.HETOTROPHIC

AUTOTROPHIC:  The mode of nutrition in which an organisms make their own food with the help of raw meterial. example : all green plant.

HETOTROPHIC: The mode of nutrion in which animals take ready made food made plants.examples: we, human beings, animals

hope you like it!


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Autotrophs are the organisms which prepare their own food like plants and heterotrophs are the organisms which depend on others for food like animals.

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Plants are autotrophic because they are able to synthesize their own food. Heterotrophic organisms such as animals need to get energy from eating other heterotrophs or autotrophs.

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plants which can make their own food are called autrophs ex--peepal and plants which cannot make their own food are called hetrophs ex--cuscuta

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autotrophic nutrition is the process of making of food with simple substances by themselves ,plants are autotrophs. Heterotrophic nutrition is when an organism is dependent on autotrophs and cannot make their own food.for eg humans,animals etc

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autotrophic - plants which prepare food for themselves are called autotrophic

Heterotrophic - plants which take readymade food from themselves are called heterotrophic

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autotrophic - plants which prepare food for themselves are called autotrophic

Heterotrophic - plants which take readymade food from other are called heterotrophic

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Heterotrophic nutrition - Heterotrophic nutrition is nutrition obtained by digesting organic compounds. Animals, fungi, many prokaryotes and protoctists are unable to synthesize organic compounds to use as food. They are called heterotrophs. Heterotrophic organisms have to acquire and take in all the organic substances.. Heterotrophic nutrition - Heterotrophic nutrition is nutrition obtained by digesting organic compounds. Animals, fungi, many prokaryotes and protoctists are unable to synthesize organic compounds to use as food. They are called heterotroph s. Heterotrophic organisms have to acquire and take in all the organic..

Heterotroph - A Heterotroph (chemoorganotrophy: Greek á•τερος heteros = another and τροφÎ trophe = nutrition) is an organism that uses organic substrates to get its chemical energy for its life cycle. This contrasts with autotrophs such as plants which are able to directly use sources of energy such as light to produce organic substrates from inorganic carbon dioxide. The Cyanobacteria Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 is an example of an autotroph. Heterotrophs are known as consumers in food chains and obtain organic carbon by eating other heterotrophs or autotrophs. All animals are heterotrophic, as well as fungi and many bacteria. Some animals, such as corals, form symbiotic relationships with autotrophs and obtain organic carbon in this way. Furthermore, some parasitic plants have also turned fully or partially heterotrophic, while so-called carnivorous plants consume animals to augment their nitrogen supply but are still autotrophic. For a species..

There are thousands of ecosystems of varying sizes on the earth's surface. All living beings as well as the physical and chemical factors such as sun, soil, climate and water, are part of some ecosystem and all these ecosystems are interconnected in some way or the other. Ecosystem is basically a unit consisting of biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living) factors in a particular area that are linked together through a nutrient cycle and flow of energy.The sun is the fundamental source of almost all ecosystems on this earth and the radiant energy from the sun flows through the various components of the ecosystem by a nutrient and energy cycle. The biotic or the living components of the ecosystem are divided into two categories - autotroph and heterotroph.AutotrophsAutotrophs are those organisms that are capable of synthesizing their own food, using the energy from the sun, by a process known as photosynthesis. All plants and some forms of bacteria come under this category. They are also known as producers in a food chain, as they are able to produce their own food and this food is directly or indirectly used by other members of the food chain.Autotrophs are self-feeding or self-sustaining members of the ecosystem. They synthesize complex organic compounds such as carbohydrates, proteins and fats, from simple inorganic molecules, with the help of light energy or by inorganic chemical reactions. Depending on the method by which they synthesize their food, autotrophs are further classified into two categories: Phototrophs - These are mostly plants, that use light as source of energy. Chemoautotrophs - Bacteria or fungi that obtain their food by inorganic chemical reactions.HeterotrophsThose organisms which obtain energy from organic molecules that are made by autotrophs are known as heterotrophs. These organisms fail to synthesize their own food and are dependent on the producers or autotrophs, for the supply of organic compounds required for their growth. As heterotrophs obtain energy from producers, they function as consumers in the food chain. The complex organic compounds that are produced by the autotrophs are broken down into simple substances, that provide energy to the heterotrophs. Like autotrophs, heterotrophs are also classified as photoheterotrophs and chemoheterotrophs, depending on the energy source. Consumers are further classified into different categories, based on their mode of consumption. Herbivores - A heterotroph that obtains energy directly from plants. Carnivores - Those animals which feed on other animals. Omnivores - Animals that obtain their food from plants as well as from other animals. Saprobes - Organisms that obtain energy by breaking down remains of dead plants and animals.Autotroph vs HeterotrophLet us compare them and add to the debate of autotroph vs heterotroph.Similarities Autotrophs, as well as heterotrophs, are living things and both are part of some ecosystem. The autotrophs and heterotrophs, together form various trophic levels in the food pyramid. Both require sunlight and water to live and obtain energy by conversion of chemical molecules.DifferencesThe main difference between autotroph and heterotroph is that autotrophs can synthesize their own food, whereas, heterotrophs cannot. Most autotrophs contain the pigment chlorophyll, that plays a key role in synthesis of food. Chlorophyll is absent in almost all heterotrophs. Autotrophs obtain energy by converting inorganic raw materials into organic compounds, whereas, heterotrophs convert complex organic compounds into simpler ones to obtain energy.So, this was all about autotroph and heterotroph. The movement of nutrients and energy from autotrophs through the various levels of heterotrophs, makes up a typical food chain. Autotrophs and heterotrophs, together, form an important part of all the ecosystems.
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  • Organismsthat make the food ontheir own by the process of photosynthesysare called autotrops.
  • Organisms that can not make the food ontheir own by the process of photosynthesysare called heterothrops.
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  • Organismsthat make the food ontheir own by the process of photosynthesysare calledautotrops.
  • Organisms that can not make the food ontheir own by the process of photosynthesysare calledheterothrops.
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organisms which are not dependent on other organisms for food and can make their own food are called autotrophs

organisms which are dependent on other organisms for food and cannot make their own food are called heterotrophs

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organisims that prepare their own food is called autotrphes

organisims that depend on other plants for food is called hetrotrophes

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Autotroph r those green plant which make own food through photosynthesis and heterotrophs r those plants which depend on other plants or animal

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