what is mixed surd and what is pure surd

Surds which have 1 as its rational co- efficient are called pure surds. The examples are, , .


Surds which have rational co-efficients other than 1 are called mixed. The examples are 5,8,4(Their co –efficients are 5, 8, 4 respectively).

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pure surds

a surd which has unity as its rational factor,the other factor being irrational are pure surds.eg sq.root of 10

mixed surds

a surd which has a rational factor other than unity the other factor being irrational are mixed surds.e.g 2*sq.root of 3


convert into pure surds=

5√6= √5² √6= √25√6= √25*6=  √150

conert into mixed surds=

√80=√16*5= √16√5= √4²√5=  4√5

hope this will help you



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