What is Soil Erosion ? Describe two types of soil erosion? (4 marks)

  1. SOIL EROSION: The process by which top layer of the soil gets weathered away by agents like wind, water, glaciers is called as soil erosion
  2. following are three types of soil erosion:
  • Sheet erosion: Sheet erosion involves the removal of a uniform thin layer of soil by raindrop splash or water run-off.
  • Gullies erosion: Gully erosion occurs when runoff water accumulates, and then rapidly flows in narrow channels during or immediately after heavy rains or melting snow, removing soil to a considerable depth.
  • Wind erosion: The erosion in which the wind picks up and carries loose soil particles

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Removal of soil,especially of top soil,either naturally or as a result of human activity is called soil  erosion.

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