What is the difference between organ and organelle?

Organ is a structural unit in an organism composed of tissues performing similar functions. Organs are found in all higher biological system, examples of organ in human being are kidney, heart etc. 
Organelle is a part of a cell. These are very small subunits inside a cell and are performing special functions for the cell. Examples are ribosomes , vacuoles , mitochondria etc.

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Organelles are within the cell. They perform functions within the cell, such as synthesizing cell products, hydrolyzing macromolecules, performing cellular respiration, etc.
An organ is made up of tissues, or groups of specialized cells. Organs work together to form organ systems such as the respiratory system, circulatory system, endocrine system, etc.
Basically, organelles perform functions within the cell while organs perfom functions for the body as a whole.


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organs are those which are formed from collection of tissues and many organs collectively work to run organ systems present in a living body. but organelles are different parts in a cell of a living body.
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organelles are the different part of of the cell that performs a special function in that cell. eg- mitochondria ,nucleus etc. whereas organs are the collection of tissues that have a special function in a living organism.eg-lung,heart etc..  
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