what is the irony in bishop,s candlesticks................

Dear student,

There are many instances of irony in "The Bishop's Candlesticks". For instance:

  • The Bishop treats the convict hospitably but the convict steals his silver candlesticks which were precious to the Bishop.
  • The law fails to reform the convict into an honest individual instead it transforms him into a beast.
  • In the beginning, the convict wishes to kill the Bishop but, later he asks for his blessings.
  • The convict steals the candlesticks but, he is reluctant to take them when Bishop gives them to him.
  • The Sergeant brings convict to the Bishop for confirming him as a thief but, the Bishop tells a lie to save him.

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irony is actually in three forms verbal dramatic nd situation

verbal is the two thinking of a person

situation is the thinking of 2 persons

dramatic is the expectation of a person before and after

  • -3

somes extracts of irony  from the lesson the bishop's candlestick

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