what was the five years plan in Russia ?

The 5 year plans of Russia was a list of economic goals which included agriculture, heavy industries, transportation, etc. The first five year plans were implemented between 1928 and 1932 by Stalin, The main reason was the internal and external threats which were posed to the country. The main aim was-
Heavy industrialisation
Agricultural development.
To meet the goals, prisoner labour were used. 


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Each five-year plan dealt with all aspects of development: capital goods (those used to produce other goods, like factories and machinery), consumer goods (e.g. chairs, carpets, and irons), agriculture, transportation, communications, health, education, and welfare. However, the emphasis varied from plan to plan, although generally the emphasis was on power (electricity), capital goods, and agriculture. There were base and optimum targets. Efforts were made, especially in the third plan, to move industry eastward to make it safer from attack during World War II. Because meeting the goals of the five-year plans had top priority as a measure of progress toward a communist utopia, official lying about productivity became part of the economic system. The attempt to turn an illiterate peasant society into an advanced industrial economy in a single decade brought intense suffering, but hardship was tolerated because, as one worker put it, Soviet workers believed in the need for "constant struggle, struggle, and struggle" to achieve a Communist society. 
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i dont know
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