what will happen when there is no stomata

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There will be no gas exchange. No carbon dioxide will move into the plant and there will not be any photosynthesis.There will be no transpiration. Transpiration helps in cooling of the plant. The plant may get burnt by heat.No transpiration = no water moving up the plant by transpiration pull. The leaves wont get water and won 't photosynthesis.There will be no respiration at night ( as no gas exchange )hope it helps. regards.

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if there is no stomata then it would be difficult for plants to exchange the gases and release the excess water.

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Stomata are required by plants for two purposes:

1) Exchange of gases : Carbon dioxide is taken in for photosynthesis and oxygen is released out.

2) Transpiration: Transpiration occurs through stomata and this results in a transpirational pull which is important for absorption of water through roots.

So, if leaves are devoid of stomata then photosynthesis and transpiration process are affected.

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stomata are the small hole prresent in the lower surface of the leaves. exchange of gases takes place through them. if there are no stomata in a plant then no exchange of gases would occur and hence the process of photosynthesis by whish plants prepare thier food would not occur. so, plants would not be able to survive

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