whats the difference between repeating and non- repeating decimals?????

n diff between non terminating n non repeating

the number which repeat like 956.10101010101010 and the number which not repeat like 321.11000010101111111

and the diff between non terminating n non repeating  like 9.5012345678954565564

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in repeating decimals we find dat after a point the numbers start reapting themselves for eg. 6.293293293, here after 293 the numbers start repeatin themselves and in the case of non-repeating decimals the numbers dont reapeat themselves for eg. 6.34268920... and so on. the meaning of terminating is which ends or terminates at a certain point n the meanin of non-terminating is which never ends like 5.163890623638929.... and so on.

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thanxx ...

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