which of the two, do you think will have a bigger impact on the lives of untouchables -making laws to proctect them or create awareness in society about them?justify your answer.

creating awarness as many laws r made but not followed thus creating awareness is the best thing to do
  • -1
yes by making laws for SC and ST had made a large impact on them they are treated equally wiht other caste people. they are also given equal oppournities
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i think both are needed to uplift their position in the society cause making laws alone would not be followed and creating only awarness would make us have sympathy towards them but would not change anything.
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Both are true-  making laws would help in the upliftment of the untouchables and protect their rights.
Creating awareness  in  the society about them  -would also help people to know their role in the society and help them to fight for their rights.
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