Who isolated DNA for the first time from pus cell

Why is DNA called polynuvleotide?

What are the three chemically essential parts of nucleotides constituting DNA?

Friedrich Miescher isolates DNA for the first time.

A molecule composed of 13 or more nucleotide monomers covalently bonded is known as polynucleotide. DNA is composed of nucleotides joined together to make a long chain called polynucleotide.

The three chemically essential part od DNA is phosphate group, pentose sugar and a nitrogenous base. 

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friedrich miescher isolated 'nuclein' ,dna with associated protiens from cell nuclei.

polynuvleotide is a chemical way to reffering to dna or rna.

5 carbon sugar,phosphate group and nitrogeneous base are the 3 essential components of nucleotides.

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