why are the small number of surviving tigers a cause of worry ? write from genetics point of view.

The small number of tigers that are surviving are a cause of worry because if they all die out then their genes will be lost for forever and so their genes will be not pass on to other generations and we will not be able to see any tigers in future . Small number of tigers means less chances of variation. The variations are important in maintaining the stability of a species by natural selection.

  • 79
Small no. of surviving tigers is a cause of worry as there will be lesser chance of variations in the species. Also, if there is any drastic change in the environment, the entire tiger population will be wiped out.

Also if they out and become extinct, their genes will be lost forever and the future generations will not be able to see them.

  • 38

Small no. of surviving tigers is a cause of worry as there will be lesser chance of variations in the species. Also, if there is any drastic change in the environment, the entire tiger population will be wiped out.

Also if they out and become extinct, their genes will be lost forever and the future generations will not be able to see them.

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