Why do we need a standard Meridian?

we need standard meridian for india because of the following-

1.we require to aviod confusion with in the time

2.it passes centrally through india

3.it is lated as the prime meridian to aviod lack of 2 hours between arunachal pradesh to gujrat

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We need a standard meridian for India because of the vast longitudinal extent of the mainland. Thus, there is a time lag of two hours from Gujarat to Arunachal Pradesh. Hence, time along the Standard Meridian of India passing through Mirzapur is taken as the Standard time for the whole country.
Hope you have got your answer.
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 we need stander meridian because  of the vast longitudinal of the main land thus there is a time lag of two hour from gujrat to arunachal pradesh .hence time along the stander meridian of India passing through mirzapur is taken as the stander time for the whole countery.                  

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It is choosen in order to avoid confusion between the local time of different places of India.Itpasses through Mirzapur and is taken as the standerd time for the whole country.

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As the sun  rises around 4am in Arunachal Pradesh and 6am in Gujrat  it is pretty mixing up which time to follow therefore we have a standard meridian.
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there is a time gap between arunachal pradesh and gujarat 2hours. so to avoid confusion we have a standard time meridian. therefore we wont follow nay time difference
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there is a time lag between the different places in our country. but a longitude falls on Mirzapur in uttar pradesh and we follow the same longitude called standard meridian.

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