why does a clinical thermometer have a kink on its stem?

A clinical thermometer beecause it does not allow mercury level to come down on its own..

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a clinical thermometer have kink because kink prevents the mercury to fall down

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so that mercury does not fall

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so that mercury does not fall

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A clinical thermometer has a kink to prevent the thread from breaking. This way, the mercury level does not fall on its own. It helps us take more accurate readings.

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It has kink because when measuring the mucury do sent over flow or fall out.
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because it does it does not allow the mercury level to come down on its own that is the answer
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because when the thermometer is taken out of your mouth ,The liquid in the bulb contracts and the mercury column breaks at the kink . so the level of mercury in the steam remain the same
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it has kink to prevent the backward floe of mercury whwn thermometer is taken out of mouth
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A clinical thermometer has a slight bend or kink in the stem just above the bulb. when the thermometer taken out of your mouth, the liquid in the bulb contracts and the mercury column breaks at the kink. Therefore, the level of mercury in the stem remains the same.
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