write short notes on nuclear energy

It is the energy released by combining of nuclei of atoms or by decay of an unstable radioactive nucleus during a nuclear reaction i.e. during fusion or a fission.

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Nuclear Fusion reactions are those reactions in which two small nuclei fuse together to form a bigger nucleus, with evolution of large amount of energy. These type of reactions occur in the Sun and are responsible for the heat energy of the Sun. These reactions require very high temperatures.

For example, two hydrogen nuclei fuse to form one helium nucleus as:

Nuclear fission reactions are those reactions in which a bigger nucleus breaks into two or more smaller nuclei upon bombardment with high speed particles like neutron, with emission of alpha particles/beta particles/ gamma rays. These reactions too produce large amount of energy and this energy is being utilised in the nuclear power plants to generate electricity. They can result into a chain reaction, due to production of particles.

For example, Uranium disintegrates into Barium-141 and Krypton-92 upon bombardment with 1 neutron and emit 3 more neutrons.

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  • 4
Nuclear Fusion reactions are those reactions in which two small nuclei fuse together to form a bigger nucleus, with evolution of large amount of energy. These type of reactions occur in the Sun and are responsible for the heat energy of the Sun. These reactions require very high temperatures.

For example, two hydrogen nuclei fuse to form one helium nucleus as:

Nuclear fission reactions are those reactions in which a bigger nucleus breaks into two or more smaller nuclei upon bombardment with high speed particles like neutron, with emission of alpha particles/beta particles/ gamma rays. These reactions too produce large amount of energy and this energy is being utilised in the nuclear power plants to generate electricity. They can result into a chain reaction, due to production of particles.

For example, Uranium disintegrates into Barium-141 and Krypton-92 upon bombardment with 1 neutron and emit 3 more neutrons.

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