years later Mrs packletide writes her autobiography.As Mrs packletide write about the tiger episode with the help of the clues given;

i want autobiography of mrs packletide

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Loona Bimberton's being carried in an aeroplane was the talk of the town. She had become very famous due to it and her social prestige had gone onto the top. I couldn't digest it as her applause had created jealousy in me. Day and night I felt how to counter it. So I thought that a tiger hunt would take me on a higher pedestal than Loona. I lost no time in arranging a tiger hunt with the help of the villagers who were just thirsty for money. I paid Rs.One thousand to the villagers for getting an aged tiger in the village forest. A goat with a loud bleat was tied at a convenient place. A suitable platform was built in a tree. On the night of the hunt I sat with Louisa Mebbin, my paid companion. As per pre-arranged plan the tiger came near the goat. He lay flat to regain his strength before attacking his prey. I lost no time in firing the shot. I saw that both the goat and the tiger had been killed. 'I am on the top', I felt it in my blood. It was Louisa Mebbin who told me that I had killed the goat with my shot. The tiger had died due to a heart failiure caused by the rifle shot and old age. She proved herself very cunning and crafty. She blakcmailed me that she would tell this fact to Loona Bimberton. I had no choice except to succumb to her threatening and had to buy a week-end cottage in Dorking for her.

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autobiography of mrs she had to pay  a really heavy price for indulging in the sport. she hadto pay luisa mebbin  a considerable sum for keeping her secret as mebbin also blackmailed her for gifting her a cottage this is the incident of the tiger episode through told us that packletide was a superficial ,vain and showy women
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  In Act III Scene 2 in Brutus's makes a speech to the general public explaining why he killed Caesar. Brutus explains that he did not kill Caesar because he envied him, but rather that he cared for Rome much more than he cared for his dear friend. He accused Caesar of being ambitious and being a threat to Rome. He also speaks of everyone dying a slave if Caesar were to have lived. He basically apologizes for the murder of Caesar, but justifies he and his fellow conspirators' actions. The crowd eventually agrees with him and understands why he did what he did. Brutus then introduces Mark Antony who wielded Caesar's body and had agreed to do Caesar's eulogy.
             The play is one of the more important in the play. It makes clear the reason why the conspirator's killed. In this speech Brutus is revealed to be a wise man that is capable of taking Caesar's place (at least that is what the plebeians think at first). This speech also reveals that even though all the conspirators say they killed Caesar because he was ambitious, Brutus was the only one who killed Caesar because he actually loved Rome more. "With this I depart: that, as I slew my best lover for the good of Rome, I have the same dagger for myself when it shall please my country to need my death." This is also actually the first part of the play that is affected by Julius Caesar even though he is dead.
             This speech fits in well with the whole dramatic aura of the story. It sheds much emotion, but does so in a way that it can still be used for political gain. In Brutus's speech figurative language is used to describe the effect Caesar were to have if he were to live. "Had you rather Caesar were living and die all slaves, than that to Caesar were dead, to live all freemen." This line is one of the more significant lines of the speech and is what convinced the public that it was necessary that Caesar died. At the end 
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