1. If you are turned old, what would you do? Would you enjoy it or ask the goddess to change you back? Why?


As we become older, we face a growing number of important major life changes, such as professional changes and retirement, children leaving home, death of loved ones, related physical activity challenges—and even loss of independence. The way we deal with and evolve from these changes is frequently the key to aging well. It's tough to cope with change at any age, and it's reasonable to mourn the losses you've suffered. You may stay healthy and continue to redefine yourself when you reach milestone ages by mixing your feeling of sadness with positive influences.
"Not the natural beauty and vigour of a youthful physique," "nothing about my adolescence and youth would suffice as an exchange for the joy of life for me now." 
  • Life as a child. I have no recollection of having any sort of command over my life. Someone else has put you under a lot of obligations. A dysfunctional household gave rise to the habit of pleasing others. 
  • Teenage. Chaos and a shady existence fuelled by who knows what. Wanted to be both a goody-two-shoes and a wicked girl, yet terrified to be either.
  • The twenties. Escape! This independence, as well as all of the correct answers, came to me. Look at me, I've got this; I've got everything under control, and I'm in charge of my own destiny. Ha! The truth was more like rash, selfish, impulsive behaviour with no strategy.
  • The thirties quite sure I made a mistake. I thought I was in charge, but I'm in desperate need of assistance.

I accept myself as the work-in-progress that I am for the first time. My delusions no longer control my life, and I no longer seek perfection as defined by the world.
I'm no longer interested in competitiveness or judgment. While I feel driven to write about my Christian faith and other topics, it is not my duty to coerce others to believe or feel the same way. My role is to communicate and let others make the final decision. This inspires me to want to learn more about new concepts, which I do primarily through reading, but I also enjoy learning new things, new viewpoints, and new anything. Just because I have a viewpoint does not imply that I am correct. I am loved more than ever and finally in a place where I can genuinely receive that love. And that was a hard one.

Joy comes from the little things, and I can honestly say that I am content in all situations. When things happen that disturb that contentment, I know to Whom to turn. There is no compulsion to do things just because someone else thinks I should. I dare to say no and define my life in a way that makes sense for my family and me.


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